Monday, March 15, 2010
Julio Cesar Marzo 15 "Idus de Marzo" Thorton Wilder
Et tu, Brute?
La traicion es uno de los actos que mas reproba
el hombre. Hay tres destacadas traiciones en
la historia. Estas bien pueden ser ,la traicion de los
senadores a Julio Cesar , la traicion del apostol
Judas y Pedro y nuestra propia experiencia.
Un dia como hoy Julio Cesar fue asesinado vil-
mente por sus colegas, la intriga de un grupo
de senadores desencadeno en Roma una serie
de sucesos los cuales desataron lo que se
conoce por los " Idus de Marzo" .
Thorton Wilder en su novela Idus de Marzo
desarrola la trama magistralmente. Teje el
drama, de aquel grupo de senadores de una
uniformidad sorprendente. Idus de Marzo
enfrenta el dilema de unos y la determinacion
de otros. Matar a Julio Cesar es cercenar de guajo
los hechos que sus actos lo han convertido
en dictador. La serie de reacciones que anteceden
al complor no convencen al lector, esto se debe
quizas a la debilidad de Brutus, uno no com-
prende como ha podido el dejarse disuadir
por otros, Siendo tan cercano del emperador
y poder confiar en el. De todos los traidores
que participaron en el asesinato de Julio Cesar
el fue el peor. La traicion de Judas, y la nega-
cion de Pedro , son iguales . El primero no so-
porto la conciencia y se ahorco. La negacion de
Pedro el desmemoriado ,no tuvo consecuencias.
No hay peor sorpresa que la traicion.....
Et tu, Brute?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Death of Caesar by Vincenzo Camuccini
"Et tu, Brute?" (pronounced "Et tu, Bruté?") ("Even you, Brutus?", or "And you, Brutus?" or "You too, Brutus?" or "You also, Brutus?") is a Latin phrase often used poetically to represent the last words of Roman dictator Julius Caesar. Immortalized by Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, the quotation is widely used in Western culture as an epitome of betrayal.
On March 15 (the Ides of March), 44 BC, Caesar was attacked by a group of senators, including Marcus Junius Brutus, Caesar's close friend. Caesar initially resisted his attackers, but when he saw Brutus, he supposedly spoke those words and resigned himself to his fate.
Caesar's last words are not known with certainty and are a contested subject among scholars and historians alike. The version best known in the English-speaking world is the Latin phrase Et tu, Brute?, which derives from William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, where it actually forms the first half of a macaronic line: "Et tu, Brute? Then fall, Caesar!" Shakespeare in turn was making use of a phrase already in common use in his time: it appears, for example, in Richard Eedes's Latin play Caesar Interfectus of 1582 and The True Tragedie of Richarde Duke of Yorke &c of 1595, a source work for Henry VI, Part 3.[1]
Shakespeare's version evidently follows in the tradition of the Roman historian Suetonius, who reports that others have claimed Caesar's last words were the Greek phrase "καὶ σὺ τέκνον;"[2] (transliterated as "Kai su, teknon?": "You too, my child?" in English or "Tu quoque, Brute, fili mi" in Latin) - though Suetonius himself claims Caesar said nothing as he died.[3] Plutarch also reports that Caesar said nothing and merely pulled his toga over his head when he saw Brutus among the conspirators.[4]
In some other languages[which?], the best-known version of Caesar's last words is a more literal Latin translation of the Greek phrase reported and dismissed by Suetonius: tu quoque, fili mi. This version is reported, for example, in Charles François Lhomond's De Viris Illustribus,[5] an 18th century summary of Roman history, which was long used as a standard text by Latin students.
While the words "Kai su, teknon?" are usually understood as an expression of shock towards Brutus' betrayal, it has recently been argued that, if they were uttered by Caesar, the phrase was instead intended as a curse and threat.[6][7][8]
One theory states Caesar adapted the words of a Greek sentence which to the Romans had long since become proverbial.[6] The complete phrase is said to have been "You too, my son, will have a taste of power," of which Caesar only needed to invoke the opening words to foreshadow Brutus' own violent death, in response to his assassination.[6] In a similar vein, Caesar's words have been interpreted to mean "Your turn next." and "To hell with you too, lad!"
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