Thursday, February 5, 2009

Giovanni Guareschi Homenaje Don Camilo by Calkin Carpet

Author of Don Camillo
The Italian lived where he was born

Parma, near the River Po.

He played mandolin and studied law

because his parents would not have it so.

But he did admire his father’s panache

and in this was pleased to emulate

by growing [under his own nose] a heavy black moustache .

There was the night he was arrested

for howling in the street,

an Italian denied his point of view

will protest with his feet.

Nino’s wife, beloved,

proudly bore two beautiful children.

He also owned a motor-cycle

which proudly bore four cylinderen.

In his homeland he came to fame

As editor in chief of “Candido”

but to the world he will always be loved

as the creator of Don Camillo.


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