Friday, March 26, 2010

Echo Park Marcha por la Libertad Fernando Marquet

Arturo Bueno

Fernando Marquet
event coordinator

Citan para este domingo en el Echo Park

demostracion de apoyo a " Las Damas de Blanco"

ver -flyer- con informacion, fecha y hora,

el domingo 28 - todos a apoyar los derechos humanos y por la libertad

de los presos politicos en Cuba.

Dear Pedro Pan Brothers and Sisters,
It is time for us who enjoy the gift of from our parents - freedom - to join in support for those who are denied the most basic of dignities by the Cuban government.
The rights we take for granted are the reason political prisoners are unjustly imprisoned in inhumane conditions. Their wives, mothers and relatives, Las Damas de Blanco/ the Ladies in White have been clamoring for their rights and freedoms. Last week they were persecuted, as they have been countless times.

This Sunday March 28 is the opportunity for us to demonstrate our solidarity with these valiant ladies.

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