Saturday, November 7, 2009

Jesus Ortega Martinez y Hortensia Aragon Castillo en Havana

Al Son del Mambo
Nuestros Hermanos .....bailan con

El compañerito Ricardo Alarcón al presidente y a la secretaria general del PRD de México

Una delegación del Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD), de México, visitó recientemente nuestro país, invitada por el Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba.

Jesús Ortega Martínez y Hortensia Aragón Castillo, presidente y secretaria general, respectivamente, junto a otros líderes de esa organización política, fueron recibidos por Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada, miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central y Presidente de la Asamblea Nacional y por Jorge Martí Martínez, Jefe del Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales del PCC y otros dirigentes.

Durante las conversaciones se analizaron la situación internacional y las buenas relaciones existentes entre ambos partidos, y manifestaron su apoyo al fortalecimiento de las relaciones bilaterales entre Cuba y México. La parte cubana agradeció la solidaridad del PRD con la Revolución Cubana.

Tina Hilgers "Causes and Consequences of Political Clientelism: Mexico's PRD in Comparative Perspective", Latin American Politics and Society 50 (4): 123-153.

PRD politicians and officials widely use clientelism to structure their relationships with citizens. This is due not only to the entrenchment of clientelism in Mexican politics or to high rates of poverty and inequality, but also to the limited institutionalization of democratic rules inside the party. The last stems largely from the party's electoral strategy in its formative years, and has resulted in uncontrolled factional battles that play out through clientelism. The Brazilian PT faced external and internal conditions quite similar to those of the PRD, but its early focus on organization building and policy change allowed it to avoid clientelism to a greater degree. This analysis problematizes the trend of using minimalist definitions that assume clientelism to be nondemocratic because these approaches result in conceptual stretching and decreased explanatory power.

Enterate !!!!


Founded in Mexico City on May 5, 1989 by Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas Solórzano, Heberto Castillo, Gilberto Rincón Gallardo, Porfirio Muñoz Ledo, other prominent PRI members and left-wing politicians. The party was originally founded by including many smaller left-wing parties such as the Partido Comunista Mexicano (PCM, Mexican Communist Party), Partido Socialista Unificado de México (PSUM, Unified Socialist Party of Mexico), Partido Mexicano Socialista (PMS, Mexican Socialist Party) and Partido Mexicano de los Trabajadores (PMT, Mexican Workers' Party). The PMS donated its registration with the Federal Electoral Commission (CFE) to enable the new party to be established.
It was proclaimed to be the party of the 6 de julio (July 6), referring to the date of the 1988 presidential election where it is alleged that Cárdenas, the candidate of a coalition of center-left parties called Frente Democrático Nacional (Democratic National Front) won the election but was denied victory by fraudulent means. Victory was instead handed to PRI candidate, Carlos Salinas de Gortari.
[edit]Electoral Presence

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