Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Comites de Defensa de la Revolucion 50 años

CDR Cincuenta Años

Maquina de acoso y delacion al cubano .

Los CDR fueron fundados un 28 de septiembre
del 1960. Estos fueron creados para vigilar
a nivel de cuadra las actividades de cada vecino.
Los CDR ademas de actuar como vigilantes,
gano el poder de determinar si eras fiable a
la Revolucion. Sus miembros cooperaron a la
detencion y marginacion de cientos de cubanos.

Para ser victima del Comite de Defensa

Sospechoso de no simpatizar con el regimen

No simpatizar con el regimen
Presentar salida del pais

Ser religioso

Cientos de jovenes cubanos fueron
delatados por el CDR de su cuadra por manifestar
creencias religiosas.

Manifestar deseos de salir del pais.

Vigilancia: Vigilar las actividades
de cada vecino de la cuadra.
Vigilar las personas que entran y salen de cada
Mantenerse informada sobre las cartas del extranjero
que se reciben en cada vivienda.
Denunciar cualquier actividad sospechosa.

CDR Poderes

Inventario de salida del pais .
A la llegada de la salida , verificar
el inventario.

Gestiones a traves del CDR

Carta para aplicar a un trabajo.
Carta para aplicar a la universidad.
Carta para ser miembro de la Juventud Socialista
Carta para ser miembro del Partido Comunista Cubano
Carta para el SMO
Carta para aplicar al Ejercito
Carta para el Comite de Zona
Carta para aplicar a la Federacion de Mujeres Cubanas

Deberes de un miembro del CDR

Un miembro del CDR debe hacer guardia
Un miembro del CDR debe hacer trabajo voluntario
Un miembro del CDR debe asistir a las reuniones
de su cuadra.
Un miembro del CDR debe asistir a las reuniones
del Comite de Zona

La maquinaria de delacion fue fundada por el regimen castrista
es la reponsable de

Organizaban los grupos de Paredon

Cooperaban con la politica y el G2

Acusaban a jovenes de ser religiosos, desafectos, planeaban
salir de Cuba, homosexuales.

Imposiblidad de estudiar una carrera en la Universidad.
Conseguir un empleo decente.

Suicidio, imsomnio, terror.

Wiki bio
The CDR officials have the duty to monitor the activities of each person in their respective blocks. There is an individual file kept on each block resident, some of which reveal the internal dynamics of households.
A 2006, Amnesty International report noted CDR involvement in repeated human rights violations that included verbal as well as physical violence.[2] Repressive CDR activity has often been euphemized as "actos de repudio" (acts of repudiation) against those targeted as "counter revolutionary." Other opponents further indict Cuba's CDR system of informants and accompanying control of individuals with the breakdown of the family unit and for widespread human alienation and pervasive interpersonal mistrust.
Its defenders note that CDR have other important responsibilities beyond their function to monitor the individual's political and moral background; these include arranging festivals, administrating many voluntary community projects, and organizing mass rallies. Proponents also emphasize that CDR put medical, educational, or other campaigns into national effect and that, being organized on a geographical basis, they also act as centers for many who do not work in farms or factories and hence include a large proportion of female membership.

The CDR officials have the duty to monitor the activities of each person in their respective blocks. There is an individual file kept on each block resident, some of which reveal the internal dynamics of households.
A 2006, Amnesty International report noted CDR involvement in repeated human rights violations that included verbal as well as physical violence.[2] Repressive CDR activity has often been euphemized as "actos de repudio" (acts of repudiation) against those targeted as "counter revolutionary." Other opponents further indict Cuba's CDR system of informants and accompanying control of individuals with the breakdown of the family unit and for widespread human alienation and pervasive interpersonal mistrust.
Its defenders note that CDR have other important responsibilities beyond their function to monitor the individual's political and moral background; these include arranging festivals, administrating many voluntary community projects, and organizing mass rallies. Proponents also emphasize that CDR put medical, educational, or other campaigns into national effect and that, being organized on a geographical basis, they also act as centers for many who do not work in farms or factories and hence include a large proportion of female membership.

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