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1. Large scale Forced human organ harvesting Happening in China Labor camps, hospitals, prisons and military facilities. Youtube Video ( Part1, part2, part3, part4)
2. Large wave of resignation from the Chinese Communist Party is happening More than 35 million Chinese have quit the CCP till Apr. 2008, people are continue quitting at a rate of 44,000 to 56,000 per day in April 2008. - China: 35 Million Chinese Quit the Communist Party
3.China's Modern Gestapo - "6-10 office"
4.Torture widely used in more than 300 Foreced Labor camps located all over the country
5.As many as 80 million Chinese died after the Communist party gained power since 1949, this number exceeds the total number of deaths in both World Wars combined
6.5000-year-long traditional Chinese culture was destroied by the Chinese Communist party (Youtube Video: First half, Second half )
7.Video: Tibetan shot to death by Chinese soldiers, October, 2006
8.Armed police publically open fire to villagers In Dongzhou village, Shanwei City, Guangdong Province, southeast China, December, 2005
9.Gulja killing - Handreds, perhaps thousands of ethnic Uighurs killed by armed police, 1997 : Amnesty International - Rebiya Kadeer's personal account of Gulja after the massacre on 5 February 1997
10.Videos: Tiananmen Square Massacre - June. 4, 1989 Thousands of students shot to death by tanks and soldiers on Tiananmen square in capital city Beijing in 1989
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Photo: China Modern Torture Methods (3)- Sexual Abuse
Photo: China Modern Torture Methods (2)- Electric Shock
Photo: China Modern Torture Methods (10)- "Death Bed"
Shocking photo: Chinese Woman's Breasts Disfigured and Infected from Electric Shock Torture
Photo: China Modern Torture Methods (15) - Flying An Airplane
Photo: China Modern Torture Methods (11)- “Tiger Bench”
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Photo: China Modern Torture Methods (5)- Force-feeding
Posted by chinaview on January 12, 2007
Falun Dafa Information Center -
Evidence has surfaced of over 100 torture methods being employed against Falun Gong practitioners in China’s labour camps, detention centers, and mental hospitals.
Torture Methods (5) – Force-feeding
Note: Force-feeding is NOT an attempt to nourish or feed; rather, it is a a torture method, the brutal procedure has resulted in at least 100 deaths of Falun Gong practitioners in China labour camp.
The force-feeding is most often carried out by labour camp staff with no medical training, or by criminal inmates who are coerced to assist.
Firm, unsanitized tubes are forced into a practitioner’s nose and into the stomach, often rupturing or damaging tissues; sometimes the tube enters the lungs instead.
The tubes are sometimes left in a practitioner’s stomach for days or weeks, causing severe infections, or pulled out and reinserted repeatedly.
The practitioners are often “fed” irritants such as highly concentrated salt water, hot pepper oil, boiling water, or detergent.
In the summer of 2003, the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp (in Baoding City, Hubei province, north China) began force-feeding Falun Gong practitioners with human urine and excrement; the Chinese government awarded them for this innovation, and sent labour camp staff from around the country to learn this procedure.
1. Ms.Wang Yuzhi (photo below ), now canadian resident, recalls her experience of being force-fed in China labour camp before she escaped from China:
“I vividly remember my first hunger strike at the Harbin City Detention Centre. In order to force-feed me, the doctors at the Harbin City Detention Centre used a metal clamp to pry open my teeth and then pushed a thick rubber tube down to my stomach. My mouth was filled with blood and my body was covered in bruises after every force-feeding. Several people were there to beat and subdue me for these force-feedings. They would pour two big bowls of cold water mixed with corn flour into me, saying that it was for ‘stretching the stomach’. When I screamed, the police were afraid of others hearing me. They ordered inmates to gag and beat me even more.
“Before they force-fed me for the first time, I saw them grab a female Falun Gong practitioner named Shang by the hair and knock her head against the wall and floor. When she was finally unconscious, they forced the tube into her nose to force-feed her. There was no sterilization – they simply brushed the tube around in a basin, then forced it through her nose and down into her stomach. Then they injected ground corn grain mixed with cold water.
“After they’d finished with her, the two prison doctors turned around and looked at me. They stood there with their forceps and tools in their hands and said, ‘You see that? You’re next.’ After that, I was subjected to this kind of force-feeding every day in jail.
“They would beat us to the point where we were almost unconscious before tying our arms and legs down and forcing the tubes through our noses and down into our stomachs. We were tied up to prevent us from pulling the tubes out because of the excruciating pain.
(Photo right: demonstration by Ms. Wang Yuzhi – force-feeding )
“One day I heard the desperate cry of a man in the woman’s ward. It was the husband of a Falun Gong practitioner named Ding Yanhong. He had begged to be able to visit her, and when he finally was allowed to come in, they force-fed her right in front of him. This man cried terribly while his wife struggled in pain.
“I always knew that if I would simply write a letter denouncing Falun Gong, denouncing its teachings and promise to never practice again, I would be released immediately. But if it is wrong to believe in ‘Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance,’ what hope does humanity have? This persecution was forcing people to choose between their lives and their conscience. I knew that I was being forced to make that choice, and I chose my conscience because I knew that when good men and women renounce good, wholesome beliefs under pressure from a dictatorship, something much greater than us dies.”
- more detail story of Ms. Wang Yuzhi can be found from this report: From Rags to Riches to Torture in a Chinese Labour Camp , by the FALUN DAFA INFORMATION CENTER
2. Ms. Zhang Guiqin, 37, mother of 2 girls, died after being force-fed
… At the end of July 2000, Ms. Zhang Guiqin (photo left) was again arrested, this time for distributing information about the persecution of Falun Gong. She was again sent to the Feidong Detention Center and handcuffed in heavy shackles. She and other practitioners started a hunger strike to protest the torture.
As a punitive measure, the prison guards force-fed them. After a prolonged hunger strike and forced-feeding, Ms. Zhang became very weak and ran a high fever.
The detention center officials sent her to a hospital for a check-up. The doctor’s diagnosis revealed that her lungs had been punctured during the inept force-feeding.
Fearful that she would die in the detention center, they sent her home on August 24, 2000.
On January 17, 2001, at 1:03 p.m., Ms. Zhang passed away after suffering five months of pain. She left behind two daughters, one 9 years old and the other 12 years of age.
- more detail story about Ms. Zhang Guiqin can be found from this report: Zhang Guiqin Died from Force-Feeding , by Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group
3. Mr. Zhang Zhenzhong, 22, undergraduate university student, died from the force-feeding
Mr. Zhang (photo left) was an undergraduate student at the Business Administration School of the Shandong Industrial University, Jinan City, Shandong Province.
On January 1, 2001, Mr. Zhang was arrested in Beijing because he appealed peacefully on behalf of Falun Gong. At the police station, the police hit him with eight electric batons simultaneously and burned him with cigarettes. This went on for almost twelve hours.
On May 17, 2001, the police arrested Mr. Zhang again. The policemen used their fists and electric batons to hit sensitive areas on his body and repeatedly kicked him.
More than an hour later, he was so badly beaten that he began to vomit blood and his nose became bloody. The policemen tied him up with ropes and sent him to a jail cell. He began a hunger strike to protest the maltreatment.
On the sixth day, the policemen ordered the inmates to force-feed him. They handcuffed him to a chair and repeatedly tried to insert a feeding tube into his nose. On the fifth try, Mr. Zhang lost consciousness and died from the force-feeding.
- more detail story about Ms. Zhang Guiqin can be found from this report: Zhang Zhenzhong Died from Force-Feeding at Tangyin Public Security Bureau , by Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group
Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next >>
<< Photo: China Modern Torture Methods (4)- Psychiatric & Drug Abuse
>> Photo: China Modern Torture Methods (6)- Savage beatings
- China: 2508 Family Members’ Open Letter Expose Torture, the Epoch Times, Dec 11, 2006
- Lawyer’s 3rd open letter urge China to stop the Brutality(1), December 12, 2005, Gao Zhisheng
Posted in China, Crime against humanity, East China, Falun Gong, Health, Human Rights, Labor camp, Law, News, People, Politics, Religion, Religious, Shandong, Social, Special report, Student, Torture, Women | 6 Comments »
Clashes After China Migrants’ School Closed in Shanghai
Posted by chinaview on January 10, 2007
BBC News, Tuesday, 9 January 2007-
Chinese authorities have forcibly shut a school in Shanghai for 2,000 children of poor migrants, sparking clashes with parents and teachers, it is reported.
About 300 government officials and police interrupted classes and ordered pupils onto buses at Jianying Hope School in the Putuo district on Friday.
The fracas occurred on Monday after parents returned to demand the children be allowed to finish their school term.
The pupils were mainly children of migrant workers from Anhui province.
The Xinan Evening News, a newspaper published in Anhui province, said police dispersed the crowd, beating and pushing people, although no arrests or serious injuries were reported.
The Putuo district police declined to comment on the incident.
Local education officials said the school was closed because its “environment was unsuitable for teaching” and the teachers were “unqualified”.
The school’s lease was also said to have expired and that it was situated in a land clearance area – earmarked for property or industrial redevelopment, the newspaper reported.
“Police, city management officials and education bureau officials rushed into our school without giving us any notice,” the school’s director, Zhen Maohui, told AFP news agency.
“They told us that Jianying is an illegal school and the teaching here was not up to standard,” said Mr Zhen.
Reports said the students were being transferred to another school in western Shanghai.
‘Steep tuition fees’
The BBC’s Quentin Sommerville in Beijing says migrants’ low pay and long hours has given Chinese manufacturers a great competitive advantage.
But the workers share few of the rights enjoyed by China’s city dwellers and are often subject to discrimination, our correspondent adds.
Under Chinese law, children of the country’s tens of millions of poor migrant workers are often barred from attending local schools unless they pay steep fees.
Last month, China announced plans to abolish tuition and other fees for 150 million rural students, in a bid to narrow the gap between wealthy coastal provinces and poorer regions.
However, children of rural families who have migrated to China’s booming cities will not be included.
Last year, the Beijing city government began a campaign to shut down up to 239 unregistered migrant schools attended by more than 95,000 children.
While these schools are usually unregistered, human rights groups say they exist because of the government’s refusal to help migrant workers and their families.
Strong demand for land for urban redevelopment in Shanghai, Beijing and other cities has also sharpened such conflicts. (- original report )
Posted in Children, China, East China, Economy, Education, Family, Human Rights, Law, Life, News, Official, People, Rural, Social, Student, Worker, shanghai | No Comments »
Photo: China Modern Torture Methods (4)- Psychiatric & Drug Abuse
Posted by chinaview on January 6, 2007
The Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group -
Evidence has surfaced of over 100 torture methods being employed against Falun Gong practitioners in China’s labour camps, detention centers, and mental hospitals.
Torture Methods (3) – Psychiatric and Drug Abuse
Judicial psychiatry against religious or political dissidents is emphatically prohibited by internationally agreed-upon standards of legal and medical ethics.
The exposure of political and abusive psychiatry in the former Soviet Union was once a major human rights concern. It eventually forced the withdrawal of the Soviet All-Union Society of Psychiatrists and Neuropathologists from the World Psychiatric Association. ( Picture right: painting: drug injection abuse )
Since July 1999, however, many Falun Gong practitioners have, at great risks to their own lives, been sending into psychiatric hospitals by the Chinese government.
In addition to turning mental hospitals into veritable brainwashing institutions and torture camps, the Chinese government also seeks to incriminate Falun Gong for the tragedies that the Chinese government itself has caused. There have been more than a few reports on how the heartless police and “doctors” shouted at practitioners: “We are going to make you lose you mind, make you commit suicide, and publicize your cases as examples of ‘Falun Gong’ insanity.”
Daniel B. Borenstein, President of the American Psychiatric Association, wrote a letter to the New York Times entitled “Jailed in China: Confront the Abuse” published March 27, 2001, in which he stated: “The WPA [World Psychiatric Association] Committee on the Use and Abuse of Psychiatry has moved too slowly in the face of serious accusations about psychiatric imprisonment of Falun Gong members, union and student leaders, and others who are diagnosed as “political maniacs” and subjected to shock therapy and psycho-tropic medications.”
1. Ma Yanfang Died from Psychiatric Torture
Ma Yanfang (photo left) , female, 33, from Xingshigou Village of the Darenhe Region of Zhucheng Town, Weifang City, Shandong Province ( in East China).
In May 2000, Ms. Ma Yanfang was detained in Beijing for appealing to the government to stop its the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
When she went on a hunger strike to protest her illegal detention, the authorities took her to the Zhucheng Mental Hospital in Zhucheng Town. Though she was a healthy person, she was treated like a mental patient.
Under direct orders from the Weifang City Government Officials, the staff in the hospital forced her to take drugs intended for the mentally ill. Soon, her health deteriorated.
After being kept drugged for two months, in September 2000, Ms. Ma died in the hospital.
The officials from her factory threatened her parents, advising them not to inquire any further into the circumstances surrounding their daughter’s death.
2. Shi Bei Tortured to Death in the Mental Hospital
Shi Bei ( photo left) , female, 49, lived and worked in Fuyang City, Zhejiang Province
Location: The Seventh Hospital of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province (in South China)
In May 2000, because Ms. Shi Bei practiced Falun Gong, the Police Department of Fuyang City sent her to the Seventh Hospital of Hangzhou City (a mental hospital).
Although Ms. Shi was healthy both mentally and physically, she was treated like a mental patient.
In the hospital, the basic necessities for living and sanitation were neglected. The ward was no different from a jail cell. The “bed” was just planks laid flat, and covered with straw.
The hospital staff, under pressure from the police, gave Ms. Shi injections of large doses of sedatives, causing her health to deteriorate. To force her to renounce Falun Gong, she was not given any food for a whole week.
On September 10, 2000, Ms. Shi died from the torture and psychiatric abuse.
3. School Vice Principal Died from Overdose of Psychotropic Drugs
Lu Hongfeng (photo left ), female, 37, vice principal of the No. 1 Elementary School, Lingwu City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region ( in Northwest China)
Location: The Lingwu Mental Hospital, Lingwu City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
In March 2000, the Education Bureau of Lingwu City suspended Ms. Lu Hongfeng because she signed a letter of appeal requesting an end to the the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. On June 7, 2000, the authorities and her husband took her to the mental hospital.
In the hospital, she was tied to the bed and forcibly injected with large quantities of drugs. In order to make her renounce Falun Gong, she was given eight times the normal dosage.
After fifty days of torture in the hospital she had became very weak, as the drugs destroyed her central nervous system.
In July 2000, she was sent home, but her husband continued to give her large doses of drugs to further damage her nervous system.
On September 6, 2000, she died from the psychiatric abuse.
4. Associate Professor Tortured Twice at the Mental Hospital
Wu Xiaohua (photo left) , female, 47, an associate professor of the Environment Art Department at Anhui Civil Construction Engineering College, Hefei City, Anhui Province ( in East China)
Location: The No.4 People’s Hospital, Yellow Mountain Road No. 316, Hefei City, Anhui Province.
In July 2001, Professor Wu Xiaohua was arrested for practicing Falun Gong and secretly detained at the No. 4 People’s Hospital of Hefei City in Anhui Province (a mental hospital) without her family or her university being informed. Her illegal detention there was disclosed only after the hospital asked her family to pay the patient care fee.
At the hospital, she was given injections and was force-fed drugs. She was not released until March 2001.
At the end of April, Prof. Wu was again arrested while working at the university.
She went on a hunger strike to protest her illegal arrest. As a punishment, her hands and feet were tied down and she was brutally force-fed. Her college also terminated her teaching appointment.
In October 2001, during the APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) meeting held in Shanghai, Prof. Wu was placed under house arrest. She was arrested again and sent first to a labor camp, and then sent to the No. 4 People’s Hospital again.
The police from the labor camp affirmed that Prof. Wu could be discharged as soon as she renounces Falun Gong. Currently she is still detained in the hospital and forced to receive infusions of drugs every day.
5. Six Army Falun Gong Practitioners Drugged in the No. 261 Mental Hospital of the Liberation Army
Location: The No. 261 Hospital of the Liberation Army, Beijing
(1). Zhao Xinli (photo left) , male, 37, an in-service military officer, Lieutenant rank, the 89605 Army Equipment Headquarters
In February 2000, Lieutenant Zhao Xinli was arrested and detained at the No. 261 Hospital of the Liberation Army, a mental hospital.
Lieutenant Zhao was injected daily with drugs that harmed his nervous system, leaving him weak and confused. The doctor also beat him and verbally abused him.
Lieutenant Zhao was given excruciatingly painful shocks with an electric probe.
(2). Li Qiuxia, female, 52, an in-service military officer, and a pharmacist at the Navy Headquarters Hospi-tal.
On June 2, 2000, the authorities sent Ms. Li Qiuxia to the No. 261 Hospital of the Liberation Army. She refused to take the drugs, so the nurses tried to pry her mouth open and insert a tube into her stomach.
Once, the nurses tied her to a post and inserted two electric needles in her temples. As the needles penetrated her flesh, her muscles twitched. The painwas excruciating.
She was also forced to take drugs that affected her central nervous system.
Nobody was allowed to visit her.
(3). Wang Ning, female, 46, an employee of the Navy Headquarters Hospital
On May 30, 2000, Ms. Wang Ning was also committed to No. 261 Hospital of the Liberation Army in Beijing. Three other Falun Gong practitioners from the PLA (People’s Liberation Army) were also incarcerated in the hospital during this period.
None of them had any history of mental illness.
6. Wang Jiqin, 29, killed by a lethal drug
The Chongqing City Police arrested Ms. Wang Jiqin ( photo at left) because she refused to renounce Falun Gong.
On July 29, 2000, she was unlawfully taken to the Chongqing City Maojiashan Female Forced Labor Camp and sentenced to two years of hard labor.
There, she was subjected to the cruelest mental and physical tortures. As a result, her health deteriorated daily, her weight dropped, and she could no longer look after herself.
In the name of treating her “illnesses,” the camp police ordered seven or eight inmates who were drug addicts to force-feed her with an unknown drug, causing her to lapse into a coma.
Seeing that Ms. Wang was near death, the labor camp sent her home in order to avoid responsibility.
After returning home, Ms. Wang remained in critical condition, spitting up blood and passing blood in her stool. Her limbs became extremely weak. She also had difficulty breathing, coughed, vomited, and had diarrhea. She felt sharp pains in her abdomen due to ascites [accumulation of serous fluid in the abdomen], and she could not sleep at night.
She died on September 23, 2002.
Learn more about Psychiatric and Drug torture to Falun Gong practitioners from The Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group’s report at here and here
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<< Photo: China Modern Torture Methods (3)- Sexual Abuse
>> Photo: China Modern Torture Methods (5)- Force-feeding
- China: 2508 Family Members’ Open Letter Expose Torture, the Epoch Times, Dec 11, 2006
- Lawyer’s 3rd open letter urge China to stop the Brutality(1), December 12, 2005, Gao Zhisheng
Posted in Anhui, Beijing, China, Chongqing, Crime against humanity, East China, Falun Gong, Health, Hefei, Human Rights, Law, NW China, News, Ningxia, People, Photo, Religious, SE China, SW China, Shandong, Social, Special report, Torture, Women, Zhejiang, medical | 2 Comments »
Photo: China Modern Torture Methods (3)- Sexual Abuse
Posted by chinaview on December 31, 2006
Falun Dafa Information Center -
Evidence has surfaced of over 100 torture methods being employed by Chinese police against Falun Gong (see also video on Youtube) practitioners in China’s labour camps, detention centers, and mental hospitals.
Torture Methods (3) – Sexual Abuse
Well-known Chinese lawyer Gao Zhisheng wrote in his third open letter to Chinese Chairman Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao on Dec. 12, 2005 that, “…… the immoral acts that shocked my soul the most were the lewd yet routine practice of attacking women’s genitals by 6-10 Office staff and the police. Almost every woman’s genitals and breasts or every man’s genitals have been sexually assaulted during the persecution in a most vulgar fashion. Almost all who have been persecuted, be they male or female, were first stripped naked before any torture. No language or words could describe or re-create our government’s vulgarity and immorality in this respect.” This letter was written after his 15 days investigation of the persecution of Falun Gong ( see video on Youtube) in East and Northeast China.
(Picture above: illustration: Sexual Abuse on Falun Gong practitioner)
The forms of sexual torture include rape, molestation, shocking genitals with electric batons, raping Falun Gong practitioners with foreign objects (including toilet brushes and batons), shoving hot peppers into vaginas, pinching genitals or nipples even to the point of tearing them off, kicking genitals, piercing nipples with hot irons, stripping practitioners naked and beating them, forcefully administering drugs that cause menstruation to cease, and more.
The victims of such sexual abuse include young, unmarried women and seniors.
1. Young woman suffers mental breakdown following untold torture and rape (in 2004)
NEW YORK (FDI) – Thirty-two-year-old Ms. Zhu Xia cries, laughs, and often bangs on doors and windows madly. She soils her clothing uncontrollably, and has frequent hallucinations, tossing and turning restlessly amidst unseen enemies.
(Photo above: Ms. Zhu Xia, before and after sent to Brainwashing Center )
At night Zhu often throws her arms around her head defensively, screaming “Are you going to rape me?”
She has removed her blankets to sleep in the cotton fibers of her mattress and often curses “those terrible men,” muttering she “can’t take it anymore.”
This is not the young woman her family members described as “healthy and vibrant” before the police took her away because she practices Falun Gong.
Like hundreds of thousands – perhaps millions – of others in China, Zhu was detained by Chinese authorities and sent to brainwashing classes in order to force her to renounce Falun Gong.
She was held at the Pi County Brainwashing Center in Xinjin County, Sichuan Province.
On April 2, 2004, Pi Country authorities released Zhu. According to her family, Zhu’s mental and physical well-being had been devastated, and she had suffered a complete mental breakdown.
Zhu is no longer able to take care of herself, and is under the care of her mother.
The exact details of what Zhu went through in the Pi Country Brainwashing Center are unknown, although family members say her mental state and behavior leave little doubt she suffered untold torture and was repeatedly raped.
At the Dalian forced labor camp, numerous reports say women detainees have been hung spread-eagle from the ceiling as sticks and pepper oil are shoved into their vaginas – a torture technique known as “hip-splitting.” The men are stripped naked and shocked with electric batons shortly after being doused with water to intensify the electric currents. ( Full report of this torture case)
2. Genitals shocked with electric batons for several hours (in 2001)
On June 4, 2001, Ms. Li Yinping was visiting a fellow practitioner’s home in Majia Village of Shouguang City, Weifang region (Shandong Province) when police from the Shouguang Police Station arrested her and all other Falun Gong practitioners who were there. They were all detained at the Sunji Police station, although no legitimate criminal charges were brought against them.
(Photo left: Ms. Li Yinping)
On the afternoon of June 6, 2001, Ms. Li, along with the other detained Falun Gong practitioners, requested unconditional release. The policemen dragged Ms. Li into the hallway and beat her with a rubber baton.
After drinking alcohol, five to six policemen began another round of torture. They slapped her face, twisted one of her arms behind her back, grabbed her hair and pulled her head back, hit her all over her body with rubber batons, and shocked her with electric batons. The policemen stripped Ms. Li of all of her clothing to inflict more pain by beating her unprotected skin. After beating her, the policemen chained her to an “iron chair.”
After taking a break, later on in the evening, the director of the detention center, Team Leader Wang, and other guards took turns shocking her genitals with electric batons. Her whole body was shaking, and had turned dark purple and black. She suffered severe pain, and lost consciousness several times. Each time, the guards revived her by pouring cold water on her so they could shock her again. One of the officers threatened to rape and kill her.
They continued to shock her with the batons even after she began spitting up blood. This torture lasted for several hours. Ms. Li was left chained to the iron chair, and she kept vomiting all night.
By early the next morning, June 7, 2001, Ms. Li had lost consciousness and her pulse was faint. She died later that day……. ( more details from Faluninfo.net)
3. A female practitioner raped by a police officer on the street ( in 2001)
On the evening of May 14, 2001, a female Falun Gong practitioner from Beijing was beaten and raped on the street by a patrolling plainclothes police officer. The right-hand side photo was taken 9 days later after the incident.
“Finally, I was beaten to the ground and was not able to get up. Two of my front teeth were knocked out; several places on my head were hurt; my body was swollen and turned purple; my bones felt like they were falling apart. He then hit my right ear and temple hard with a stick and I lost consciousness. At this moment he pulled me under a bridge, tore my pants apart, and raped me. After that, he inserted a plastic baton forcefully into my vagina, and rode on my body. When I regained my strength and was able to shout, I shouted with all the strength I had: ‘Help! Catch this hooligan!’ The man seemed to have no fear. Finally, he got on his bicycle and rode away in a hurry, leaving me behind.”
4. Authorities order criminal inmates to strip, beat, and sexually abuse Ms. Liu Runling ( in 2002)
“Liu Runling, aged 38, resident of Hebei Province, was reportedly arrested on 28 September 2001 and detained at the No. 1 Detention Centre, where she remains.
“In January 2002, guards allegedly ordered several inmates to torture Ms. Liu because she refused to renounce Falun Gong. According to reports, they took her to a bathroom, where she was stripped naked and beaten. They reportedly inserted hair and used tissues into her vagina, and pierced her with needles for 40 minutes. It is reported that this left her covered with wounds and needle holes, and both her breasts allegedly turned black.”
– Report of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences; UN document number E/CN.4/2003/75/Add.2
5. Chinese Police Raped Female University graduate student while the other inmates watched ( in 2003)
NEW YORK (FDI) – On May 13th, 2003, policeman from the Chongqing City Detention Center stripped and raped a female graduate student as other prison inmates looked on, according to sources from Chongqing University in China.
Ms. Wei Xingyan, a 28-year old Chongqing University graduate student, was arrested on May 11th along with a group of other students and teachers for hanging banners and balloons commemorating May 13th, the official anniversary of the introduction of Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong).
According to witnesses, on the evening of May 13th, several policemen took Wei to a cell in Baihelin Detention Center of Shapingba District. There, witnesses say the police officers forced two female inmates to strip her, and one of the uniformed policemen pushed her to the ground and raped her as the other inmates watched……. ( more details of this case)
6. Two Female Falun Gong Practitioners Raped by Chinese Police after Shocked by Electric Baton (in 2005)
“Around 2:00 p.m., a policeman named He Xuejian took Ms. Liu to a room with two beds in it. A very tanned policeman in his early 30’s with the nickname Dajun was laying on one of the beds. There was another policeman in his 40’s surnamed Wang in the room.
(photo: Ms. Liu Jizhi suffered from brutal beating and rape. Her hips and thighs are severely bruised.)
“He Xuejian savagely beat Ms.Liu as soon as they entered the room. Next he pressed her against a bed and started groping her breasts. Then he lifted her shirt up and shocked her breasts with an electric baton. While watching the sparks from the stun baton, He Xuejian repeatedly commented, “This is fun! This is fun!”
“The policeman surnamed Wang watched and said fiercely, “Beat her up! Beat her up good!” Then he left the room.
“Despite Ms. Liu’s protest and struggle, He Xuejian stripped off her shirt and sat on her stomach. Then he began to poke at her genitals with his finger. Then he switched to another position in order to remove her pants.
“During the struggle, Ms. Liu pleaded, “I am thinking for your own good—don’t do this to me! You are a policeman! You must not commit such a crime! This is totally wrong! You are a young man! I am an old woman. Please spare me.” He Xuejian ignored her plea and violently raped her. During the rape, He Xuejian repeatedly slapped her face and choked her.” …… ( more details from The Epochtimes’ report)
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<< Photo: China Modern Torture Methods (2)- Electric Shock
>> Photo: China Modern Torture Methods (4)- Psychiatric & Drug Abuse
- List of China Modern Torture Methods (slideshow)
- China: 2508 Family Members’ Open Letter Expose Torture, the Epoch Times, Dec 11, 2006
- Lawyer’s 3rd open letter urge China to stop the Brutality(1), December 12, 2005, Gao Zhisheng
- Video: What is Falun Gong (falun Dafa), on Youtube
- Video: Why is Falun Gong persecuted in China, on Youtube
Posted in Beijing, China, Crime against humanity, East China, Falun Gong, Freedom of Belief, Health, Hebei, Human Rights, Labor camp, Law, News, North China, People, Photo, Politics, Religion, Religious, Report, SW China, Sexual assault, Shandong, Sichuan, Social, Special report, Torture, Women, World | 34 Comments »
Photo: China Modern Torture Methods (2)- Electric Shock
Posted by chinaview on December 27, 2006
Falun Dafa Information Center -
Evidence has surfaced of over 100 torture methods being employed against Falun Gong practitioners in China’s labour camps, detention centers, and mental hospitals.
Torture Methods (2) – Electric shock
Electric batons are among the most commonly used torture instruments employed by police officers and jail guards in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners.
(Picture left: illustration: Electric shock )
They use electric batons that carry voltages as high as 300,000 volts to shock practitioners’ sensitive areas, including the mouth, center of the palms, center of the bottom of the feet, genitals, chest, neck, and breasts. Sometimes they use several electric batons simultaneously to shock practitioners.
The labour camp authorities often pour water on the practitioners to intensify the electric shocks. Some police also use a homemade electric shocking device; it resembles a masonry brick in size and shape, and it carries a much higher voltage than regular electric batons.
The skin will break open and bleed in every place that receives a shock from this device.
1. Ms. Gao Rongrong, 36, tortured with electric batons for 7 consecutive hours on face by Labour Camp officials.
Victim: Ms. Gao Rongrong, accountant at the Luxun Fine Arts College in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, northeaset China
In July 2003, Gao Rongrong was sent to the Longshan Forced Labour Camp (Shenyang City) because she made peaceful appeals to the government to end the persecution of Falun Gong. During her detention, Ms. Gao had been beaten by camp officials, according to sources familiar with her case.
(Photo upper left: Gao Rongrong’s face after shocked by electric batons. Photo upper right: Ms. Gao Rongrong )
“At approximately 3:00 p.m. on May 7, 2004, Tang Yubao, the deputy head of the No. 2 Brigade, along with team leader Jiang Zhaohua, called Ms. Gao to the duty office and tortured her with electric batons for seven hours, according to these sources.
“Those detained with Ms. Gao in the labour camp say she sustained burns on her face, head, and neck, which caused her face to swell and become disfigured.
“Her face was covered with blisters, and her hair was matted with pus and blood. She could open her eyes only a crack because her face and mouth were severely swollen and deformed.” ( full report of this torture case)
2. Woman’s Breasts Disfigured and Infected from Severe Electric Shock Torture
Victim: Ms. Wang Yunjie, female, a Falun Gong practitioner from Dalian City, Liaoning Province
Torture happened: In Masanjia Labor Camps, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province
Warning: It is recommended that children and those with delicate sensitivities refrain from viewing these photos.
Photo 1 , Photo 2
excerpt of the story:
“At first, they kept Ms. Wang in isolation. Two collaborators monitored her. She was denied sleep and forced to stand still in the corner of the room. The next day, she had to sit on a chair with her hands tied behind her back to the back of the chair. At night, they had her wear a motorcycle helmet.
“The guards kept chopsticks and a basin of cold water ready to use, and whenever Ms. Wang closed her eyes, they poured water over her and hit the helmet hard with the chopsticks.
“Two guards from Benxi, holding electric batons, shouted, “We will see who is tougher!” The two men tore Ms. Wang’s shirt open and shocked her breasts with two electric batons for 30 minutes.
“Afterwards, they made her stand still for the entire night. The next morning, guard Guo Tieying asked Ms. Wang nastily whom she would follow. Ms. Wang replied, “I will follow the teachings of Falun Gong.”
“Guo Tieying immediately brought in two guards and several collaborators to torture her. They tore a bed sheet into strips and tied her legs in a cross-legged position (with legs double-crossed, as in the ‘full lotus’ position). Next they handcuffed her arms behind her back and tied her upper body to her legs, making Ms. Wang look like a ball. Then they suspended her in the air by the handcuffs, with her hands still behind her back.
“She suffered excruciating pain from this torture for seven hours.
“Afterwards, Ms. Wang could no longer walk with her back straight, but was bent over, nor could she sit straight. Her breasts were disfigured by the intense shocks, and eventually developed serious infections.” ( full report of this torture case )
3. Prof. Zhang Kunlun, an Canadian citizen ’s experience
“My name is Kunlun Zhang. I am a Canadian citizen and a professor of art. Because I practice Falun Gong, I was arrested three times while staying in China to take care of my elderly mother-in-law.
On November 14, 2000, I was sentenced without trial by the Chinese authorities to three years in (Shandong province ) labour camp because I refused to denounce Falun Gong. With the help of the Canadian government, Amnesty International, and the international community, I was released on January 10, 2001.
“During my detention, policemen beat me to the floor and shocked me all over my body with high-voltage electric batons. They threatened that if I uttered a sound, they would shock my mouth.
The head of the police station said to me, “We have orders from Jiang Zemin. As long as you refuse to denounce Falun Gong, we can do whatever we want to you. If you were beaten to death, we could simply bury you and tell the outside world that you had committed suicide.”
My arms, legs, and other areas were burnt in many places from the intense electric shocks. I could even smell my own burning flesh. The beatings and electric shocks injured my left leg badly. It took three months for the wounds to heal.” ( Statement by Mr. Kunlun Zhang)
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<< Photo: China Modern Torture Methods (1) – Burning
>> Photo: China Modern Torture Methods (3)- Sexual Abuse
- List of China Modern Torture Methods (slideshow)
- China: 2508 Family Members’Open Letter Expose Torture, the Epoch Times, Dec 11, 2006
- Lawyer’s 3rd open letter urge China to stop the Brutality(1), December 12, 2005, Gao Zhisheng
Posted in China, Crime against humanity, Dalian, East China, Falun Gong, Freedom of Belief, Gao Rongrong, Human Rights, Labor camp, Law, Liaoning, Liaoning Masanjia, NE China, News, People, Photo, Politics, Religion, Religious, Report, Shandong, Shenyang, Special report, Torture, Wang Yunjie, Women, World | 12 Comments »
Airports closed, thousands stranded by China fog
Posted by chinaview on December 27, 2006
Reuters, Dec. 26, 2006-
BEIJING, Dec 26 (Reuters) – Thousands of passengers across eastern, northern and central China have been stranded after heavy fog closed airports and hundreds of flights were cancelled, state media said on Tuesday.
Highways were also closed and in some cities, such as Lanzhou in the northwest, authorities issued pollution alerts and warned people not to go outside as smog had worsened the situation, Xinhua said.
“In some provinces, people are advised to wear masks as the heavy smog contains pollutants like carbon monoxide,” Xinhua said.
Airports in Nanjing, Hangzhou and Hefei in China’s east and Jinan in the north either closed completely or cancelled most flights, it said, stranding around 20,000 people.
“No flights have taken off since this morning,” an official at Nanjing airport said by telephone, adding he not know when the situation would return to normal.
The fog is expected to dissipate as freezing air from Siberia moves across China, Xinhua said, though temperatures would fall by up to 10 degrees Celcius (50 degrees Fahrenheit)
Two people died in road accidents caused by the poor weather, the official Xinhua news agency said.
- original report here
Posted in Anhui, Central China, China, East China, Environment, Gansu, Hangzhou, Health, Hefei, Lanzhou, Life, Nanjing, News, North China, People, Social, Zhejiang, air, pollution, travel | No Comments »
The Death of China Shanghai’s Special Status
Posted by chinaview on December 26, 2006
GEOFFREY YORK, The Globe and Mail, Canada, Dec. 23, 2006-
SHANGHAI — With its gloomy Gothic spires and turrets, the Moller Villa is a dark castle brooding on the skyline above the colonial buildings of Shanghai’s French concession. At the villa’s black iron gate, a sign says it is closed for “interior refitting.” But there is no evidence of renovations. Mysterious black cars with government plates park outside the walls. Policemen and security guards loiter nearby, while a surveillance camera guards the entrance.
Behind the villa’s high brick walls, a secret team of Communist Party investigators is dealing a death blow to Shanghai’s independence. The corruption investigators — more than 100 of them, according to Chinese reports — have helped the central government seize control of a city that enjoyed special political privileges for more than a decade.
The villa, built by a Swedish tycoon in the 1930s and later converted to a hotel, has been commandeered by an army of investigators from Beijing who are probing a widening corruption scandal among Shanghai’s political leaders. After four months, no end to the probe is in sight. Hotel staff say the villa will be closed for another six months at least.
The scandal began last summer when a senior Shanghai official was arrested on suspicion of misappropriating $400-million in local pension funds and diverting them into high-risk investments in real estate and highway projects.
Then, in September, the city’s top leader — Communist Party secretary Chen Liangyu — was sacked from office and put under investigation for alleged involvement in the same scandal. Dozens of people, including other senior officials, were reportedly implicated in the affair, and dismissals continued this month.
Mr. Chen is the highest ranking Communist official to be formally accused of wrongdoing in more than a decade. His demise, and the presence of the anti-corruption investigators, is evidence that Shanghai’s special status is dead.
Under the rule of former Chinese president Jiang Zemin, the city had enjoyed remarkable power and autonomy, including tax breaks and other preferences. Mr. Jiang had ascended to power through the ranks in Shanghai, and he had installed a “Shanghai gang” of cronies and protegés to safeguard his power.
But the new president, Hu Jintao, has slowly dismantled the clique and removed its members from key positions of power.
Shanghai residents have been noticing the loss of status for months. It has become increasingly clear that Mr. Hu and his prime minister, Wen Jiabao, are deliberately avoiding China’s biggest city. Their visits to Shanghai have been brief and infrequent.
The loss of influence was also shown by Beijing’s recent measures to dampen the booming Shanghai property market because of growing fears of a “bubble” — and in Shanghai’s failure to win the central government’s approval for a Disney theme park, a massive project that had been mooted for years. Beijing has stalled its approval for the park, and Walt Disney Co. is now reportedly looking for other possible sites in China.
Mr. Jiang retired as China’s president in 2002, but he and his clan were able to retain power through proxies on the Communist Politburo for two or three years afterward. In his era, Shanghai was viewed as a national showcase. It won approval for a string of lucrative projects, including the 2010 World Expo and a $350-million Formula One track. The city even dreamed of being a world financial capital, a dream that now seems unrealistic.
“The old Shanghai gang has been on the retreat ever since Hu Jintao came to power,” said Paul French, an analyst at Access Asia, a market research company in Shanghai.
“Hu and Wen have been sending a very clear message. They hardly ever come to Shanghai, and when they come, it’s only for a day and then they leave. They are clearly distancing themselves from Shanghai, and people have definitely noticed it.”
The decline of Shanghai’s political influence could hurt the property development companies that enjoyed easy credit and soft loans in the city’s early boom years, but the city’s economy should be strong enough to survive, Mr. French said.
Shanghai’s economy will become depoliticized, and this could strengthen its growth, he said. “After all these years of being given more than anyone else, Shanghai should be able to stand on its own two feet,” he said. “It’s got its infrastructure in place, and it’s a very advanced logistics and transport base. There’s no doubt that Shanghai is a world city now.”
Murray King, a former Canadian diplomat in Shanghai who is now a communications consultant in the city, said the Shanghai economy is increasingly based on services and logistics, rather than manufacturing. With heavy investment by the private sector — especially foreign investors and Taiwanese and Hong Kong investors — the city is less dependent on the central government, he said.
“If the Shanghai scandal had happened five years ago, it could have proved really difficult for the city to keep growing — there would have been no Expo and many infrastructure projects would have stopped,” he said.
“But Shanghai’s private and international business environment has now developed to the point where it is largely self-sufficient and far less susceptible to the negative impacts of government scandals. I would argue that Shanghai is again becoming China’s true international city and the vetting of corrupt senior officials is a timely and healthy part of that transition.”
- original article from The Globe and Mail
Posted in China, East China, Economy, Law, News, Official, Opinion, Politics, Social, corruption, shanghai | No Comments »
China Sacks High-Ranking Official of Shandong Province
Posted by chinaview on December 25, 2006
The Seoul Times, Korea, December 26, 2006-
The Chinese government has sacked a senior Communist Party member for a “serious discipline violation” in an anti-corruption drive in which more than 50,000 officials have been prosecuted.
The sacking follows the expulsion this month of the disgraced former vice-mayor of Beijing, who was found to have taken millions of yuan in bribes.
Du Shicheng was Party chief for Qingdao city, a magnet for South Korean investment and the venue for the 2008 Beijing Olympic sailing events.
The current crackdown raises questions over the misuse of a $40bn budget that Beijing has allocated for stadiums, roads, bridges and other public works.
Du was the deputy provincial Party head, the second-most powerful figure in the booming eastern province of Shandong.
“The Communist Party of China’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection is investigating Du’s case,” a state news agency said.
The Party has been ruthless in the removal of individuals that may cause embarrassment to the country before and during the Games.
The sacking follows that of Liu Zhihua, the former vice-mayor and head of construction, sports and traffic projects for the Olympics, in Beijing in June.
He took bribes of “several million yuan” and “helped his mistress to seek profit in projects.” a state television report said.
Liu’s dismissal was the highest official sacking in the city since Chen Xitong, Beijing’s former mayor and once the capital’s highest Communist Party official, was jailed for 16 years for corruption in 1998.
But China’s clean-up plan has been criticised by many as being too aggressive.
Sceptics have viewed the sackings and personnel shifts in the Communist Party as efforts by Hu Jintao, the Chinese president, to get rid of rivals before a congress to ratify appointments and policies at the end of next year.
Police in many Chinese cities have caused outrage by entering homes and confiscating dogs that were either unlicensed or over 35cm tall. Some dogs were reportedly beaten to death in front of their owners.
According to Amnesty International, the Chinese Olympic project’s construction plan has left more than 6,000 families affected by preparations for the Games.
The human rights organisation said that many of these have been evicted without full procedural protection and without adequate compensation.
They also claim that individuals have been arrested and imprisoned for peaceful protests.
But Beijing has pledged to continue to eradicate any issues that may affect the smooth running of the Games.
Liu Qi, secretary of the Chinese Communist Party’s Beijing Municipal Committee said: “We must tighten auditing and monitoring efforts on the preparatory work of the Olympics to prevent all potential problems.
“Efforts must be made to ensure that staff members involved in the Olympic preparations and venue construction projects remain on track, and make sure the Olympics are clean.”(Agencies)
Posted in Beijing Olympics, China, Communist Party, East China, Law, News, Official, Politics, Shandong, Social, Sports, corruption | 1 Comment »
China: House Church Closed in Anhui, Xinjiang-Christians Suffer in Jail
Posted by chinaview on December 13, 2006
China Aid Association, December 11, 2006-
Midland, Texas (CAA)- CAA learned recently the local government of Tongling City, Anhui Province is taking administrative measures interfere with the religious affairs of Christians by forcing them to join the Three-Self Church.
November 26, 2006 a house church assembly in Laodong Xincui, Tongling City, Anhui Province, was closed by the local Religious Affair Bureau. The church leaders were told to worship in the local Three-Self Church.
The house church was founded by renowned Christian Brother Wang Xingquan 53 years ago and currently has a membership of approximately 200 Christians. Brother Wang was thrown into prison for his faith during the Cultural Revolution.
In order to exert more pressure on Brother Wang his daughter’s work unit stopped paying her salary, and has threatened to fire her unless she sets an example for other Christians by joining the local Three-Self Church. Another brother under threat of losing his job was coerced to resign from the church.
December 5, 2006 upon the request of the Christians, the government held a hearing in which the Religious Affair Bureau’s decision to close the church was upheld.
Currently the Christians hold worship services in their homes; they said they are preparing for further legal action to regain their right of religious freedom.
“The Religious Affair Bureau is only one department in the government in charge of religious affairs. It is definitely not powerful enough to force a work unit to stop paying its employees.” said Bob Fu, President of CAA, “It is obvious that the entire course of action was formulated by the upper level government. Tongling government’s resorting to administrative methods to interfere with religious affairs ultimately tramples the spirit and promise of religious freedom stipulated in the Chinese Constitution and International Laws. We hope that the Tongling government corrects their mistakes and protects religious freedom of its citizens.
CAA also learned that all of the Christians arrested October 20, 2006 in Qingshuihe Town, Huocheng County, Yili City, Xinjiang autonomous area were released by November 26, 2006. Four brothers were locked in the detention center for 32 days, one brother and two sisters 14 days. No legal documents were issued when they were arrested and released.
Four brothers who were locked up for 32 days are now in the hospital for medical treatment as a result of being severely tortured by other prisoners. “I was beaten daily morning, noon and night! They beat me if I ate the food or did not eat the food, ate too much or too little, went to the toilet or did not go to the toilet! They just beat me for no reason.” one brother said. What’s more, the Christians were clearly told by the prisoners that they were beaten according to the instructions from the police officers in charge of the detention centre.
Brother Tan’s experience is especially horrible. He was intentionally placed in a cell with homosexual prisoners where he suffered the humiliation being sexually abused as well as physically beaten. “I would not come out alive if I had been with them any longer.” said brother Tan.
“It is totally intolerable to treat a sixty-year old man like that!” said Bob Fu, President of CAA. “We appeal to the Xinjiang government to investigate this event and punish the people involved in detaining and abusing these Christians.”
CAA has sent a representative to Xinjiang to comfort and encourage these suffering brothers and sisters. Please contact CAA if you wish to help them.
Posted in China, Christianity, East China, Human Rights, Law, NW China, News, People, Politics, Religion, Religious, Rural, Social, Xinjiang | No Comments »
Chinese Activist Says Officials Ordered His Torture
Posted by chinaview on December 9, 2006
Radio Free Asia, 2006.12.07-
HONG KONG, Dec. 7, 2006—A leading rights activist from the eastern Chinese province of Shandong says a law enforcement official tried to arrange for him to be tortured at his detention center where he was awaiting trial, but that his jailers flatly refused to do it.
Chen Guangcheng, who was sentenced to four years and three months’ imprisonment in August after he blew the whistle on forced abortions and other abuses by family planning officials in his home county of Yinan, spoke extensively of his experience behind bars during an interview with his lawyer, broadcast exclusively by RFA’s Mandarin service Thursday.
He told lawyer Li Jingsong: “In late July, a certain individual – either from public security or the judicial branch – came to the detention center and ordered that I be tortured.”
“His order was flatly rejected by detention center officials. The force of justice will prevail,” Chen said, adding that he had met other officials who were privately sympathetic to his case, which was overturned on appeal to the Linyi Municipal Intermediate People’s Court in late October.
Chen said he was delighted that his case had been sent back to the lower court for retrial.
“On Aug. 28, presiding judge Wang Jun [from the Yinan district level court] paid me a visit. The first thing he said to me was, ‘Chen Guangcheng, you should not regard everyone as bad. Someday the truth about your case will be known to the whole world.’”
“And so I asked him why he did what he did if he was clear about where the truth of the matter lay. He said it was because the communists were still in power,” Chen said, adding that Wang had admitted that the initial verdict against him had been due to ‘extrajudicial factors’.
“I told him that what motivated us to join the rights campaign was our confidence in democracy, the rule of law, and government policy. But the fact that they feel they can resort to any tactics – including depriving you of the right to defend yourself and to appeal a verdict – it just shows that they have a much darker view of the system. We have a fundamental faith in the system. We ask the government to fulfill its promise to the people,” Chen said.
Chen’s groundbreaking work as a self-trained legal advocate on behalf of women suffering forced abortions and other abuses at the hands of Yinan county family planning officials has earned him praise among socially aware netizens in China.
But it has also drawn him months of house arrest, surveillance, beatings, and harassment by local officials and the unidentified men they hire as heavies.
On Nov. 30, the Yinan county court upheld its original verdict and sentence against Chen.
Chen told the outside world from his detention cell: ” I am still engaged in the rights campaign. Don’t worry about me. Think of it as if I have embarked on a long journey. My resolve has not been shaken. I will never give up.”
Original reporting in Mandarin by Ding Xiao. RFA Mandarin service director: Jennifer Chou. Written for the Web in English by Luisetta Mudie, and edited by Sarah Jackson-Han.
Posted in Activist, Chen Guangcheng, China, East China, Human Rights, Law, News, Official, People, Politics, Social, Torture | No Comments »
Video(3): more about clashes between police and students
Posted by chinaview on December 8, 2006
more video can be found from youtube:
1 2 3 4 5
Back ground:
Police were called in to restore order this week (on Oct.20, 2006) as a private college in eastern China after thousands of angry students rioted, saying they had been cheated out of college diplomas promised when they were recruited to the school. It was the second such riot at a private Chinese college since June.
Students from Jiangxi province’s Clothing Vocational College marched through campus Monday after state media reported that school authorities had deceived new students about their eventual qualifications and issued fake diplomas…
Please check this Global Voices’ blog, and also get more information from following reports.More report:
- Students Riot Over Diplomas in eastern China , Radio Free Asia, 2006.10.25
- Armed police moved into campus, Planned Student Protest Stopped, Radio Free Asia, 2006.10.30
- Video(2): China: Students Riot, Dispersed and Beaten by Police
- Video(1): China: Students Riot, Police Moved Into Campus
Posted in China, East China, Education, Human Rights, Incident, Law, News, People, Police, Politics, Riot, Social, Student, Video | No Comments »
Video(2): China: Students Riot, Dispersed and Beaten by Police
Posted by chinaview on December 8, 2006
Back ground:
Police were called in to restore order this week as a private college in eastern China after thousands of angry students rioted, saying they had been cheated out of college diplomas promised when they were recruited to the school. It was the second such riot at a private Chinese college since June.
Students from Jiangxi province’s Clothing Vocational College marched through campus Monday after state media reported that school authorities had deceived new students about their eventual qualifications and issued fake diplomas…
Please check this Global Voices’ blog, and also get more information from following reports.More report:
- Students Riot Over Diplomas in eastern China , Radio Free Asia, 2006.10.25
- Armed police moved into campus, Planned Student Protest Stopped, Radio Free Asia, 2006.10.30
- Video(1): China: Students Riot, Police Moved Into Campus
Posted in China, East China, Education, Human Rights, Incident, Law, News, People, Police, Politics, Protest, Riot, Social, Student, Video | No Comments »
Video(1): China: Students Riot, Police Moved Into Campus
Posted by chinaview on December 8, 2006
Some videos just posted on youtube website about the clashes between police and students in east China Jiangxi province, which was happend in late Octocber on Oct. 20 this year.
From above video, we can find out that:
- Armed police moved in to the campus
- Police inspecting student dorms
- Merchants in the campus scared and move away out from the campus
Back ground:
Police were called in to restore order this week as a private college in eastern China after thousands of angry students rioted, saying they had been cheated out of college diplomas promised when they were recruited to the school. It was the second such riot at a private Chinese college since June.
Students from Jiangxi province’s Clothing Vocational College marched through campus Monday after state media reported that school authorities had deceived new students about their eventual qualifications and issued fake diplomas…
Please check this Global Voices’ blog, and also get more information from following reports.More report:
- Students Riot Over Diplomas in eastern China , Radio Free Asia, 2006.10.25
- Armed police moved into campus, Planned Student Protest Stopped, Radio Free Asia, 2006.10.30
Posted in China, East China, Education, Human Rights, Incident, Law, News, People, Police, Politics, Riot, Social, Student, Video | 3 Comments »
13 Corrupt Shanghai Officials Flee Overseas
Posted by chinaview on December 4, 2006
The Epoch Times, Dec 02, 2006-
On November 20, Shanghai’s foreign affairs inspection work committee revealed that, at present, inspection agencies have been chasing after 13 officials who fled overseas. These officials are suspected of being involving in crimes involving over 100 million yuan (US$12.5 million).
According to a report by China News, of these 13 criminal suspects being pursued through the Internet, nine were involved in corruption; three were involved in misuse of funds, and one was involved in bribery. Outside analysis suspects the number of people and amount of money involved far surpasses 100 million yuan.
According to East Day News, since 2001, the Shanghai procuratorial agency, with the aid of Hong Kong and Macao areas, have handled 57 cases. Five suspects who fled overseas were captured, and three of them either pled guilty or appeared before court. The money involved amounted to 42.55 million yuan ($5.3 million).
Official documents show that, since the end of 2004, there have been at least 500 known economic crimes with suspects who fled overseas and corrupt officials make up the majority. The money involved in those cases amount to 70 billion yuan ($8.75 billion).
At present, only several dozen corrupt officials have been captured. They include Chen Manxiong, the former executives of an industry development company in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province. After they diverted 700 million yuan ($87.5 million) of government funds, they fled to Thailand for five years, and finally returned to mainland China because of temporary extradition.
According to calculations, during the past ten years, billions of yuan have been taken out of China through various ways, of which a great amount is state property that officials have embezzled.
Posted in China, East China, Economy, Law, News, Official, Social, World, corruption, shanghai | No Comments »
Blind dissident sent to jail by China in ‘mockery of a trial’
Posted by chinaview on December 2, 2006
Times Online, UK, December 02, 2006-
China displayed yesterday its determination not to allow criticism from rights groups or foreign governments to affect its justice system when separate courts upheld the convictions, of a blind activist and a journalist, that have been condemned at home and abroad.
A court in the eastern province of Shandong re-sentenced Chen Guangcheng to four years and three months on charges of damaging public property and disrupting social order. The self-taught lawyer, who had documented cases of forced abortions and sterilisations, was appearing after an appeal court had ordered that his case be retried.
In Beijing the High Court took five minutes to reject an appeal by Zhao Yan, a researcher for The New York Times, against a sentence of three years in prison for fraud. In a rare decision for a justice system in which more than 95 per cent of trials result in a guilty verdict, a court had acquitted Mr Zhao earlier of the more serious charge of revealing state secrets, which could have led to a ten-year prison term.
Mr Chen’s case has drawn particular attention. His sentence was considered unusually heavy, especially since he was already under house arrest at the time the offences were committed. His lawyer called the verdict a tragedy for Chinese justice and said that he had been unable to call a key witness, who was apparently kidnapped on the eve of the trial.
International rights groups said that both men were victims of a campaign by Beijing’s Communist rulers to silence and intimidate dissenters.
Judges at the Yinan County Court in Shandong province took nearly an hour to read their verdict that upheld their earlier sentence on Mr Chen. Security was tight around the court, with dozens of police inside and outside, and manning a cordon around the building to prevent the entry of members of the public.
His brother, Chen Guangfu, was allowed to attend the session and he described the accused as impassive during the sentencing. “But when they asked him to place his fingerprint on the verdict, I heard him say, ‘I will appeal’.” Mr Chen, who was blinded in infancy and taught himself law to fight discrimination against the handicapped, was convicted in August by the same court. Last month an intermediate court , where Mr Chen, 34, had filed an appeal, overturned the sentence.
Chen Guangfu said: “This is a mockery. It is shameful.” At the ten-hour retrial on Monday, no witnesses or evidence were presented from the defence, Chen’s lawyer, Li Fangping, told The Times. “In court we had the upper hand and the other side made no effective rebuttal. At first we hoped that this would be a fair trial. However, the court clung obstinately to its evil course.”
The lawyer said that he was unable to present crucial witnesses after one was kidnapped on the eve of the trial and two others disappeared. He said: “This is a tragedy for China’s legal system . . . the outcome shows that they were just going through the motions.” For example, at the time of the disturbance last August when villagers blocked a road in Mr Chen’s hometown for three hours, the activist was surrounded by 26 men who had been watching him and keeping him under effective house arrest for months.
Mr Chen’s supporters said that officials fabricated the charges against him in retaliation after he documented complaints that officials who were trying to implement birth-control regulations had forced villagers to undergo late-term abortions and sterilisations. Beijing said later that it had carried out its own investigation and punished local officials after finding violations of the family planning policy.
Mr Chen’s wife, Yuan Weijin, who was taken away days before the second trial but later released, said that she had seen him this week and described him as being in high spirits.
When she asked her vegetarian husband about the food in prison, he replied jokingly: “Don’t worry. You can’t eat meat here even if you want to.” Another suspect had left Mr Chen all his clothes to keep him warm when he was released and the activist wore his friend’s overcoat to court. She said: “I am very disappointed today. This shows how powerful are the forces of evil.”
Rough justice
Chen Guangcheng acted as a lawyer for women in China’s Shangdong province, helping them to sue government officials for conducting a campaign of forced sterilisations and abortions
Time magazine named him as one of its 100 People Who Shape the World
After his conviction in August, Amnesty International said: “The charges against Chen were politically motivated and the trial was grossly unfair. Chen’s lawyers were obstructed from collecting evidence to representing him in court”
Posted in Activist, Beijing, Chen Guangcheng, China, East China, Human Rights, Journalist, Law, News, People, Politics, Social, Speech, Zhao Yan | No Comments »
China: Wife of Rights Activist Dropped by Police, Sobbing, Near Home
Posted by chinaview on November 29, 2006
By Maureen Fan, Washington Post, November 29, 2006-
BEIJING, Nov. 28 — The wife of a blind legal activist was detained by police for eight hours Tuesday, then dragged out of a police minivan and dropped on the ground at the entrance to her home village, sobbing uncontrollably, lawyers and a relative said.
Yuan Weijing was held a day after her husband was retried in a case closely watched by human rights activists. Attorneys for her husband, Chen Guangcheng, suggested that she had been detained so she could not travel to Beijing to complain about mistreatment of her family by officials.
Chen embarrassed authorities in eastern Shandong province last year by helping villagers prepare a class-action lawsuit against abuses, including forced abortions and sterilizations, meant to implement China’s one-child-only policy.
He was later sentenced to more than four years in prison for disrupting traffic and damaging public property, charges his attorneys said were trumped up to punish him for his activism.
Chen appealed and on Monday was given a retrial, which is rare in China. No verdict was announced. While signing court documents Tuesday, he and his wife were permitted to speak to each other briefly, for the first time in eight months, lawyers said. Then Yinan County police presented a summons to Chen’s attorneys and took Yuan away.
About 8:30 p.m., a shop owner at the entrance to the couple’s village saw more than 10 police officers drag Yuan out of a small white van and drop her onto the ground crying, said Chen’s older brother, Chen Guangfu.
She appeared to be in pain, Chen said, but it was unclear Tuesday night whether Yuan had been beaten. She was taken to a nearby hospital to be examined.
Yuan has been detained three times before but has never returned home this distressed, Chen said, adding, “She just won’t stop crying.”
A man on duty at the criminal police battalion of the Yinan County police station said he did not know whether Yuan had been detained. “I’ve never heard of it. I don’t know,” he said.
At the hospital, Yuan later declared, “The police are bandits,” Chen Guangfu said.
Yuan has spoken out publicly against local authorities and criticized the conduct of her husband’s trial.
In an opinion column last month in The Washington Post, she said she was being watched constantly by guards.
“I want to send a message to my husband: One day the truth will come to light,” she wrote. “Even though they put you in jail, they cannot imprison your thoughts and spirit. You must take good care of yourself so that you can continue your unfinished work.”
- from Washington Post’s report
Posted in Activist, Birth control, Chen Guangcheng, China, East China, Human Rights, Law, News, People, Police, Politics, Social, Women | No Comments »
Bribery case exposes corruption in China
Posted by chinaview on November 29, 2006
By David Barboza, International Herald Tribune, November 28, 2006-
SHANGHAI: The American company said it was a legitimate cost of doing business in China, the price the company had to pay to help secure a huge software contract with one of the country’s biggest banks.
But a Chinese company that said it got pushed out of the deal tells a different story, one in which the American company secretly funneled money to powerful Chinese government banking officials to ensure the lucrative business contract.
According to a lawsuit filed this year in a U.S. District Court in Florida, Fidelity Information Services, a U.S. software company, paid for Chinese banking officials and their family members to take vacations in Hong Kong, Paris, Rome, Las Vegas and Pebble Beach, California.
The suit contends that Fidelity arranged the trips through a consultant in China, who was reimbursed for giving the Chinese bankers and their families an array of gifts, including expensive Sony cameras, outfits from Versace and Burberry and perhaps even a $330,000 luxury apartment in Shanghai.
Grace & Digital Information Technology, a Beijing consulting firm, filed the lawsuit. It accuses Fidelity, based in Jacksonville, Florida, of trying to avoid paying $58 million in consulting fees after Grace & Digital helped it win a series of software contracts worth about $176 million with China Construction Bank, or CCB, one of China’s largest, in 2001.
After the CCB chairman, Wang Xeubing, was fired in 2002 amid corruption allegations, those contracts were suspended. The lawsuit claims that Fidelity then dumped Grace & Digital and hired another middleman, who was a close friend of Wang’s successor, Zhang Enzhao. It alleges that Fidelity made large cash payments to the middleman, who then passed money and gifts on to Zhang, other bank officials and their family members, possibly in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977. That U.S. law forbids American companies from paying foreign government officials to win or influence business deals outside the United States.
“This was bribery,” said John Zhang, a lawyer working for Grace & Digital. “They were paying bribes to government officials and their families. What else could those payments be?”
Lawyers representing Fidelity, a division of Fidelity National Financial, strongly disputed the allegations, saying that company executives simply reimbursed legitimate business expenses and that Fidelity never violated its contracts or the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
“The Justice Department says paying for typical business expenses is not against the law,” said David Shapiro, a lawyer for Boies & Schiller, the firm that is defending Fidelity. “If the golf game is inappropriate, most of the companies doing business in this country are engaged in inappropriate activity.”
But in government filings this year, Fidelity said that the U.S. Justice Department and the Securities & Exchange Commission had been looking into the allegations about possible violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
Three weeks ago, a Beijing court sentenced Zhang Enzhao, 60, to 15 years in prison for accepting more than $500,000 in gifts and bribes, including gifts that came from a consultant who worked for Fidelity, as well as for IBM, NCR and Hitachi, according to 21st Century Business Herald, a Chinese business publication.
None of the companies has been charged with any crimes.
Whether or not the lawsuit brought by Grace & Digital stands up in court, the case could prove enormously embarrassing for the companies involved. And perhaps more important, the case may force other large American and European companies doing business in China to consider whether they are exposed to similar lawsuits or other dangers as they move operations and executives to China, a country where corruption is widely seen as endemic. ( … read more from International Herald Tribune’s original report )
Posted in Beijing, Businessman, China, Company, Economy, Law, Life, News, Official, People, Social, World, corruption, shanghai | No Comments »
China: Witnesses Prevented from Appearing at Activist’s Retrial
Posted by chinaview on November 28, 2006
Human Rights in China (HRIC), November 27, 2006-
Human Rights in China (HRIC) has learned that serious interference by local authorities has resulted in several witnesses failing to at the retrial of blind activist Chen Guangcheng.
Chen Guangcheng, 35 and blind since childhood, is a self-taught lawyer and activist in Shandong Province who has fought for multiple rural causes, the most famous of which was a class-action lawsuit he filed against the city of Linyi over an official policy of forced abortions and sterilizations.
After repeated arrests and beatings, Chen was detained on March 11, 2006, but was not brought to trial until August 24, when he was found guilty of destruction of property and assembling a crowd to disrupt traffic.
Chen was represented by a court-appointed lawyer for the two-hour trial because his own lawyers had been detained the night before. He was sentenced to four years and three months in prison, and was last reported held at the Yinan County Public Security Bureau Detention Center.
On October 31, a provincial appeals court ordered a retrial for Chen, which was set for November 27. However, Chen’s lawyers were provided with no formal notification of the trial date. In addition, there were reports of harassment and detention of witnesses that prevented them from testifying at the retrial:
Chen Guanghe– Chen Guangcheng’s cousin. New reports state that Yinan police officers threatened members of Chen’s family and instructed Chen not to appear at the trial. Sources subsequently told HRIC that Chen Guanghe had arranged to meet Chen Guangcheng’s lawyers at the hotel where the lawyers were staying on November 26. One of the lawyers, Teng Biao, and Chen Guangcheng’s eldest brother, Chen Guangfu, were waiting at the hotel’s entrance when Chen Guanghe arrived, and they saw seven or eight men in plain clothes appear and take Chen Guanghe away.
Chen Guangdong – News reports state that Yinan police officers threatened members of Chen’s family and instructed Chen not to appear at the trial. Sources told HRIC that Chen was put under house arrest and prevented from appearing in court.
Chen Guangyu – Sources told HRIC that Chen was put under house arrest and prevented from appearing in court.
Chen Gengjiang– Sources told HRIC that Chen was detained by police officers from the Yinan Public Security Bureau around noon on November 26. Nothing has been heard from him since then.
Sources told HRIC that Chen Guangcheng’s wife, Yuan Weijing, and his eldest brother Chen Guangfu, were kept under constant surveillance in the lead up to the trial, with upwards of 10 police officers tracing their every move. Yuan believes the authorities are concerned that witnesses will say that police coerced them into testifying against Chen in his original trial, and therefore have prevented them from appearing in the retrial.
In addition, sources say that Chen’s lawyers, Li Jinsong, Li Fangping and Teng Biao, were also obstructed for about six hours by more than 20 police officers on November 26 when they attempted to interview the witnesses. According to media reports, on the day of the retrial, Teng Biao was denied entry to the court and was interrogated by police for four hours before being released. (… read more)
Posted in Activist, Chen Guangcheng, China, East China, Human Rights, Law, News, People, Politics, Social | No Comments »
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